“Falling out with football”- Lots of Blades fans tear into club over some troubling reports

Lots of Blades fans have been reacting to some rather interesting news that is being reported this morning.

It seems that the Blades are going to be the latest Premier League club that is going to be placing a number of their staff onto the government’s furloughing scheme, according to a report in The Sheffield Star. It claims that the scheme will only affect less than 50 full-time employees who will be unable to fulfil their duties following the Premier League’s suspension, and that the final 20% of their play will be covered by the club, although it is yet to be officially confirmed.

This shouldn’t come as a major surprise, given that Sheffield United don’t have the same financial resources as other clubs in the league, demonstrated by their average yearly salary figures, they can’t afford to keep some staff of in the same way Manchester City have done.

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However, the news that they are doing so hasn’t gone down entirely well with Blades fans on social media, as they tore into the team for making this decision.

I should point out again that this isn’t official yet, so there is still a chance that they change their mind ala Liverpool.

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